Patanjali Yog Peeth (UK) Trust-- a UK-based Registered Charity promoting healthy living and wellbeing in the Community
"Good Health is
Online ClassesTopic: Nepali YOG 1 Atmaram Dahal 2 Krishna Acharya Every Saturday and Sunday ; 0830 1000 hrs. Zoom ID: 810 4884 5477 Passcode: yoga Please Open your video camera ,focus it and light should be on All times are UK time. Daily Yog session Darshan Sohal assisted by Ashok Nathwani Morning 7.00am to 8.30 am Monday-Friday 17.30-18.30 Wednesday 17.30-19.00 Occasionally talk by doctors ,Ayurvedic doctors,& Meditation Every Sunday ,Timing 09.30-10.30 Any Yog teacher who wants to take part you are welcome . please call Darshan Sohal on 07803149781 Email; Children Yog class online Every Sunday 10.00 11.00 JioMeetID-175 362 4471 Age 4year to 16 years Passcode; one hour before the class start on PYPT children Group for children safety Please register your child call Mr Sohal on 07803149781 . Online zoom Yog classes with Subhash Tank. East London and Essex Yog committee. Time: 08-30 10-00 am Days : Tues.Thurs.Saturday Contact mobile: 07985741147 Email: Zoom Meeting ID: 690 037 4426 Zoom Passcode: yog4life Teachers Govind 07970103089, Harish 07985117128, Vikas 07931360655 Area:-Reading Email 6.00AM 7.30AM EVERY DAY Zoom ID 301 532 257 Password 2020 19.00 TO 20.00 Every Monday ZOOM ID 817 5132 0028 Password 2020 18.30PM TO 20.00PM Every Wednesday ZOOM ID 471229013 Password 2020 Name : SHITAL GANDHI Area : BEDFORDSHIRE Mobile : 07958382081 Email : Yog class Monday to Friday Time : 10.00 12.00 p.m. Log on PYPT /BSNL ONLINE YOG SESSION Mrs Nina Keshani chair yog Time: Tuesday 08.30-09.30 > Yog by Jyoti Joshi mobile 07852119507 Daksha Patel 07958066417 Wednesday to Saturday 08.30-09.30AM Online Yog Classes East London parivar yog By Dr Sudarshan Kapur Monday 17.00-18.15 Tuesday 09.00-10.30 Wednesday 17.00-18.15 Thursday 10.30-12.00 Friday 10.30-12.00 Friday 17.00-18.15 Zoom ID : 6717513731 Patanjali Croydon Area Online Yog by Bhanu Ben Wellingborough Corby online Yog by Ashok Nathwani Postcode ; Ganga108 Nagin Prajapati, from Coventry. 07977098493. Tuesday evenings, from 6.00 pm-7.15 pm. Zoom ID: 82588107805. Passcode: Yoga123. This ID will be valid till Tuesday 27th April 2021. Teacher Nalini Dattani Tarlika Patel 07908444851 Every day 07.30 in morning After 40 minutes it run out we sign again Zoom Meeting ID: 912 995 7845 Passcode: Divyayoga Rupal Trivedi North Harrow. Phone no 07966232770. Thursday 10.00-11.00 Zoom Id Please contact Rupal for Log in details Prabha Varu Hertfordshire area my contact no 07738928210 Sunday morning from 9am Zoom ID Meeting ID 949 2648 9222 Passcode:174273 ONLINE YOG SESSION Yog session every: Tuesdays and Fridays Times 9am till 10.15 Zoom Id ID 3618954372 Contact Teachers Gajara mobile 07917601583 Email; Deepa mobile 07853144154 Email; 1.Teacher Mohanbhai Patel 2.Area.Bradford West Yorkshire 3.Contact no.07973 785361 5.Day.Wednesday 6.Time.7.00 pm to 9.00 pm 7.Zoom ID.829 213 8431. Pw 9292 Derby Online Yoga Classes Timetable Teacher. Jayshree Normal yoga Every Sun 9am-10am Mon 7pm-8p m Wed 7pm-8pm Chair Yoga Every Wed, Thurs, Fri mornings from 11.30am-12.30am Meeting ID:746 6296 1294 Passcode:yoga 1.Teacher full name-Kalpana Patel & Bharat Patel
Download JioMeet Teacher; Nina Keshani 07951860312 1.Wednesday 11 -12.45pm Om Shakti Centre ZOOMID:-81678699532 PC:-123 2.Thursday 11 -12.45pm Saheli Group Enfield ZoomID:-3485369311 PC:-123456 3.Friday Chair ,Straches and Laughter Yoga W2W Group ZoomID :-84676232312 PC:-CHARIBODY 4.Saturday 10-11.45am W2W Group ZOOMID:-84867177352 PC:- MINDBODY |
QUOTESEach work has to pass through these stages: ridicule, opposition, and then acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood~ Swami Vivekananda First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win~ Mahatma Gandhi NEWS28 November 2020Children Yog survey- please complete the survey 25 October 2020AYT training online November 2020 25 October 2020Patanjali Parivar Milan online 15 Nov 2020 21 June 2020International Yoga Day June 2020 14 March 2020Coronavirus Update view allFacebook posttwitter postTESTIMONIALS
'I enjoyed making the effort to come to class each day as I felt motivated and involved. Afterwards I was more aware of breathing deeply and staying relaxed.'
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