Patanjali Yog Peeth (UK) Trust

-- a UK-based Registered Charity promoting healthy living and wellbeing in the Community

"Good Health is
       Humanity's Birthright"




31 August 2008

Stand together to help Bihar: Baba Ramdev

Stand together to help Bihar: Baba Ramdev
New Delhi | Minggu, August 31 2008 IST
Appealing to the citizens of the country to stand together in the wake of natural calamity which has struck Bihar, Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev today said people should offer all possible help to the affected and needy.
''I want the citizens of India to stand together in the times of natural calamity which has struck Bihar,'' Baba Ramdev said while talking to reporters during an event here.
Terming the floods in Bihar as a national disaster, he also called upon the industrialists to come together to help the natives of the state.
The Kosi River had burst a dam in neighbouring country of Nepal this month and surged into Bihar, swamping village after village as authorities failed to evacuate millions in time.
More than two million people in isolated villages in the second-most populous state of the country have been displaced and about a quarter of a million houses destroyed in the worst flood to have hit the nation in the last 50 years.
The head of Haridwar-based Patanjali Yogpeeth has also decided to visit Bihar to take an overview of the entire situation.
Talking about the Patanjali Yogpeeth's efforts in providing relief to the four worst flood affected districts of Bihar, the Yoga Guru said, ''Patanjali Yogpeeth will start relief camps in these districts from tomorrow at a cost of Rs two crore, providing healthcare facilities and food to the people. The relief work will later be extended to the other 16 districts and a relief fund has been also established for the same, he informed.
Asked whether India should initiate talks with the new government in Nepal to check the flood fury, he said, ''Nepal is a friend and the entire issue should be settled through talks with the present government in a peaceful manner.'' Baba Ramdev expressed happiness over the restoration of peace in Jammu and Kashmir. However, he was anguished over the communal clashes going on in Orissa and reiterated that vested political interests are leading to such a secnario in the country.
''Incidents like this are shameful and should be stopped completely and those who work against the country should be punished,'' he said.

-- (UNI) --

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