21 June 2018
We are pleased to appoint Charan Singh Sekhon as an additional National Coordinator for UK Youth Wing and Communities Engagement for Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust (PYPT) UK
We are pleased to appoint Charan Singh Sekhon as an additional National Coordinator for UK Youth Wing and Communities Engagement for Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust (PYPT) UK.
Charan is a qualified Yog Teacher. He has been conducting Yog classes and doing great Sewa (community service) as a PYPT Yog teache, volunteer and has been serving as our area coordinator for over 10 years.
He is an elected Councillor in Bedfordshire for over 15 years and doing great work promoting health and Yog among wider communities. He was appointed as a Community Engagement Ambassador by the Equality Council to raise awareness about public sector jobs among Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities in East of England. He is serving as the National Advisor for the National Indian Students and Alumni Union (NISAU UK) and is well connected with youth organisations and the leading educational institutions. He is the Founder Chairman of SEVA Trust UK a register charity working in the UK and India on Education Health and Environment. Charan is working as Senior Environment Officer for the Environment Agency UK and Equalities Welfare H&S Officer for UNISON which is UK s largest public sector union.
Working with diverse communities and faith groups, Charan has played a key role in raising funds for PYPT and many other local and national charity projects including completing in London Marathon to raise funds for people with disabilities.
He has been honoured with a number of national and regional awards including the British Asian Pride of Britain Award at the House of Commons Volunteer Fundraiser Award by the Papworth Trust Cambridge and Bedford Mayor s Citizen of the Year Award for his outstanding community and charity services.
Charan brings a wealth of experience in many areas. He will work closely with Mr Darshan Sohal who is our National Yog Teachers Coordinator to engage with the youth and the wider communities to raise awareness of Yog, health and wellbeing. Mrs. Sunita Poddar Trustee of PYPT UK said We are absolutely delighted to appoint Charan for this role.
He brings a wealth of experience in many areas. He will work closely with Mr Darshan Sohal our National Yog Teachers Coordinator who has been doing a great Seva to take PP Sawmi Ramdev Ji s mission forward supported by a very strong PYPT team of teachers and volunteers.
It is really importantfor us to engage with the youth and the wider communities to raise awareness of Yog health and wellbeing and promote our mission of health peace and harmony for all.
We have a great team of volunteers who will be able to work with the youth and the wider communities. On behalf of PYPT UK I would like to wish Charan and all our teams a very successful future. Ends For further information please write to us: Back to news list
Each work has to pass through these stages: ridicule, opposition, and then acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood
~ Swami Vivekananda
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win
~ Mahatma Gandhi
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