Patanjali Yog Peeth (UK) Trust

-- a UK-based Registered Charity promoting healthy living and wellbeing in the Community

"Good Health is
       Humanity's Birthright"




07 March 2018

International Womens Day 2018

International Womens day was celebrated on 07th March 2018 in Tabla Restaurant- Illford, United Kingdom.75 ladies including Mayor of Redbridge Cllr Linda Huggett participated in the event. There were 3 speakers; One of them spoke about Sikh princess Sophia -Granddaughter of Maharaja Ranjit Singh who ruled Northwest Indian subcontinent in the 19th century. Princess Sophia fought for womens voting rights. All the three speakers were much empowered and inspired us a lot we had three course meals and enjoyed two hours of singing and dancing to a DJ. One of the photo was in Ilford recorder on 15 march edition.

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Each work has to pass through these stages: ridicule, opposition, and then acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood ~ Swami Vivekananda

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win ~ Mahatma Gandhi


28 November 2020

Children Yog survey- please complete the survey

25 October 2020

AYT training online November 2020

25 October 2020

Patanjali Parivar Milan online 15 Nov 2020

21 June 2020

International Yoga Day June 2020

14 March 2020

Coronavirus Update

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'Very much more relaxed and focused at work and more positive mental attitude all round. Also more flexible as classes went on. Could touch my toes from day 4 after a very long time of not being able to.'
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