Patanjali Yog Peeth (UK) Trust

-- a UK-based Registered Charity promoting healthy living and wellbeing in the Community

"Good Health is
       Humanity's Birthright"




23 November 2011

Winter Pack for Children

Winter Pack for children
  üBadam Pak This is an energy drink which helps children to enhance the memory.
The presence of powerful nutrients like proteins, dietary fibre, vitamin ECalcium & Iron.
Contents:-Almond and Sugar, Clarified Butter, Saffron, Nutmeg, Dried Ginger, Black Pepper, Long, Clove, Cinnamon, Bay Leaf, Green Cardamom, Cow Itch Plant, Asparagus, Lotus, Spiny Bamboo.  
 Intake: You can take 10 gm twice a day with milk.
ü Tulsi Ghan Vati  It is an effective preparation to reduce the body temperature, nausea, pain in eyes and head, constipation, chronic coughing and also
promotes the respiratory system.
üChawanprash – Tasty Ayurvedic Immunity formula   Contents: - Amla, Pippali, Cinnamon, Sandalwood, Lotus, Sesame Oil, Rock Sugar etc 35 Herbs-Amla or Indian Gooseberry, Richest Source of Vitamin “C”
    High antioxidants Balance all Doshas Detoxification Good Digestion Excellent Nourishment Healthy Function of heart & liver Strengthens the lungs Helping Ward off coughs & colds Great for Lads too.
  Intake:- Twice daily 1-2 tablespoon- Mix with warm milk to make a deliciously tasty milk.  
                                                      Please visit


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Each work has to pass through these stages: ridicule, opposition, and then acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood ~ Swami Vivekananda

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win ~ Mahatma Gandhi


28 November 2020

Children Yog survey- please complete the survey

25 October 2020

AYT training online November 2020

25 October 2020

Patanjali Parivar Milan online 15 Nov 2020

21 June 2020

International Yoga Day June 2020

14 March 2020

Coronavirus Update

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'First class very friendly, tutors who take time to explain everything: most enjoyable and beneficial. Would highly recommend to work colleagues and patients. Excellent! Highly recommended! Loved the class!'
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